Sunday, August 30, 2009


Dear ocean,

I went to the beach last week and witnessed something I have never seen here in Florida... crazy swell! Here's a news article, I'm not making it up! There were tons of surfers annd it was super fun to body surf as well. While we haven't been hit by a hurricane, we are definitely getting the good waves from Bill and Danny.



Saturday, August 29, 2009

Cafe con Leche

I'm back! And instead of catching up I'm just starting with now. It's Saturday, I'm in Florida, it's humid, it's hot, it just rained, I'm alone in the apartment, and it's been an exciting day already. I woke up and walk/jogged to the top of the causeway. After showering I decided to take my new bike, Teal Steel, (name in progress, any other ideas are welcomed) to Publix to get some food for the fridge. A beautiful bike ride there, and then at the check-out counter I heard thunder. Awesome. I biked home in the rain trying to balance too many groceries, but I didn't even crack an egg!

Classes are going alright; my physics/geology/calculus is being nicely balanced by The Fundamentals of Color, weather briefing is more intense than I thought, and my civilization class is a lot more interesting than I had ever hoped it to be. Lab meetings have moved to 7am Monday mornings, Latin dance class has moved to Thursdays and Sundays, Sailing club is turning into annoying freshman club, and the coffee shop has closed. Change is fine, but it's going to take me another week or two to get in the rhythm.

Pictures and anecdotes to come. I'm tired.