Monday, March 30, 2009

RA Intern programs = too much free food

Yes, he actually wore it. It may have been forced on him, but he did wear it proudly. One of the mainly highlights of last week was that the RA Interns had to organize programs. So in addition to the multiple bbq's, beach parties, pool parties, and tug-o-war contest, I also made this awesome t-shirt.

Oh, and Radhames told this riddle/puzzle at lunch today-- try to solve it. (he said it all in spanish though, so it took me a little longer)

You have a 5-gallon bucket, a 3-gallon bucket and a surplus of water. How do you measure out 4 gallons?

Thursday, March 26, 2009

And he shall be my squishy.

Dear Ocean,

It seems like everything that washes on shore brings a lot of excitement and curiosity to us beach adventuring people. Like today, for instance, I went to the beach around 5pm to support Erica and her RA intern event thing. A bubble of something rolled in with the waves and Xenia and I just had to explore it. Turns out that our friend "Frederick," whom we buried after I had thoroughly poked and played with him (because you would think that things are safe when they're dead), was a portuguese man of war. And apparently, it's common knowledge down here that "You aren't supposed to touch those!" and "They will sting you!" and "They really hurt!". I'm sorry but I come from a land of lakes, and I don't know what a jellyfish sting feels like.
But now I do.
And I don't want to make a big deal out of it, but it really hurts. It feels like I have hives on my fingers and they won't go away and the tingling pain has reached my cheeks and under my arms and I'm going to go take a nap now. And I just want Manute to pee on it.

Love from a student who should have payed more attention to the Cnidarian lecture in Bio,

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Almost Panic Attack

So after Dr. Trefry brought it to my attention that I need to choose my even more specific major...
I checked what classes I have to take next year and it just lists "Environmental Geology, Physics I, Physics I lab, Civilization I (plan on sneaking around that one), and CONCENTRATION COURSES"
So I need to take 3-7 credits of these so called "concentration courses," which I did some further research on and apparently between Biological Oceanography, Physical Oceanography, Marine Environmental Science, Coastal Zone Management, and Chemical Oceanography there are QUITE the different concentration courses. So I can either take Calc 3, Invertebrate Zoology, Organic Chemistry, Intro to Aquaculture, or Hydromechanics and Wave Theory.
I don't understand.

Dear Advisor,

These are the classes I would like to take:
-Modern Physics(PHY2003)
-Optics (PHY5020)
-Weather Briefing (MET1999)
-Marine Zooplankton(OCN5103)
-Marine Meteorology(OCN5407)
-Ship Design (OCE 4573)
-Calculus III (MTH2001)

Please make it work.

It's just too bad that Dr. Windsor doesn't read my blog, and when I actually go in to talk to him I will probably come out of the office signed up for Basic Economics and Civ I.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Oh, so you're undecided.

Dear Ocean,
In oceanography class yesterday, we breezed through a couple lectures because there were maybe 7 of us who showed up to class. Tennis match this, sick day that, beach party, what/? Anyways, we shifted gears from talking about tides to talking about "life in the ocean," and Dr. Trefry clarified the difference between Biological Oceanographers and Marine Biologists. He also directed a question like this at me,
Coolest Prof. ever: "Whitney- you're a Bio Ocean major, right?"
Lamest student ever: "er- um, no.. I haven't, uh, really..."
Coolest Prof. ever?: "OH. You're undecided. Okay. Aaron, you've got your life figured out, right?"

But anyways, in case you're curious, or you have nothing else to read today,
Marine Biology: scientific study of the organisms that live in marine environments Oceanography: scientific study of abundance and distribution of organisms and how they interact with their surrounding ocean environment

Love from someone who has to make 3 posters about quiet hours as result of her disciplinary conference,

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

...ignore the beginning, we had to warm up

We tried to show off our new moves of "Puente" and "Dos Exhibe" and "the wrap" and ...

Friday, March 13, 2009

I'm Not There

Dear Ocean,

This morning I'm so glad Sheree woke me up to go bike to the beach to watch the sunrise. The three of us (me, sheree, xerxes) rode all the way there to make it just in time for the sun to come up. We found Andrew on the beach, and he joined us in an early morning swim. While getting beat up by waves, we happened to catch a glimpse at some dolphins. So basically, I swam with dolphins today. And as much as I'm anti-dolphin, I admit, it was really beautiful. On our bike back we were completely passed by a jogger, stopped by the Sun Shoppe for breakfast, and jumped in Brownlie to end the morning. The Sun Shoppe Cafe has mugs that this girl would really love, because you can stick all four fingers & knuckles through the handle. I almost stole one, but decided she has to do it herself whenever she visits me.
Also, Dancing blog day 2 will be posted later, it's pretty awesome. And I think I'm going to take a break from movies, because I've been kind of acting like Michael (from the office) where he takes the movies he sees too literally.

Stay cool,



Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Lack of winter = need for bug hitman

Last night I saw a cockroach scurry across my floor.

I hate Florida.