Friday, March 13, 2009

I'm Not There

Dear Ocean,

This morning I'm so glad Sheree woke me up to go bike to the beach to watch the sunrise. The three of us (me, sheree, xerxes) rode all the way there to make it just in time for the sun to come up. We found Andrew on the beach, and he joined us in an early morning swim. While getting beat up by waves, we happened to catch a glimpse at some dolphins. So basically, I swam with dolphins today. And as much as I'm anti-dolphin, I admit, it was really beautiful. On our bike back we were completely passed by a jogger, stopped by the Sun Shoppe for breakfast, and jumped in Brownlie to end the morning. The Sun Shoppe Cafe has mugs that this girl would really love, because you can stick all four fingers & knuckles through the handle. I almost stole one, but decided she has to do it herself whenever she visits me.
Also, Dancing blog day 2 will be posted later, it's pretty awesome. And I think I'm going to take a break from movies, because I've been kind of acting like Michael (from the office) where he takes the movies he sees too literally.

Stay cool,



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