Well, well, well. It has been a cold winter. The part when I was in Florida, the part when I went back home, and the part when I'm back in Florida. All cold. Which is what I'm blaming my lack-of-blogging on. Coldness. Because any sort of excuse is a silly one.
While it has been cold, I've been doing a lot of hibernating in my bed, a lot of TV watching, a lot of organizing, a lot of list-making, a lot of cooking, a lot of eating, a lot of thinking about doing things, and not a whole lot of actually getting things done. In the midst of diving into this spring semester I've taken on several boringly difficult classes. Differential Equations is taught by a man who wore all gray today (including his hair), and responds to questions with "It is so simple, you will understand." Meteorology is actually quite a rigorous course which is using a lot of the info we've learned from oceanography, environmental science, and calculus. It is however, extremely difficult and graded quite unfairly. "Intro to C++" should be under the foreign language section of registration, and should give you more than 50% on a project if you have one line mixed up. Geological Oceanography has been a sequence of maybe 5-6 conference calls, with too much confusion on what the correct phone number was, and a total of one emailed homework assignment. Our teacher is "working in italy" but I've seen him on campus at least 3 times....? Physics is just dandy, doing all the electricity and magnetism junk that is so fun.
I haven't been working in the lab as much as I should this semester. This past weekend I went with Jen to collect green mussels in Sebastien, but when we left our buckets were empty :( No mussels to be found. It's probably because of the cold water temperatures for so long this winter.
I present at FAS on March 19th, so I've been putting together a presentation for that even though I haven't finished processing all the data.. uh oh!
And... B-I-G-N-E-W-S-! I got accepted into the Bigelow Lab REU for the summer! Wahoo! I have to decide by March 15th whether I'm going or not.