Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Happy October! (But still Xeniaber)

Can anyone tell me about what time of day Venus will set when at its greatest western elongation? No? Well all I can tell you is that it's not at 6pm. Stupid Intro to Space Science test. Seriously I'm starting to question that "It'll be fun!" decision more and more. Oh well at least he plans on scaling all of our tests so the (now D) average will be a B.

In my "the whole earth" course we are now studying the "hydrosphere," which is actually really interesting, but we received this massive homework assignment that includes questions like:
10. How many "big gulps" of sea water would the entire human population per person need to drink in order to consume one second's worth of volume transport through the Straits of Florida?
Think about that!

True story:
My toe nail has been wanting to fall off for awhile now, but it was still kind of stuck on until last week. I was putting jeans on and the flap of toe nail got caught on the jeans and was just REALLY close to wanting to come off. So I ran to my "boyfriend"'s room and demanded that he rip it off. He absolutely wouldn't do it, so I then had to do it myself which was quite painful and took a lot of will power. Disgusting.
Anyways, later that day I was telling my story to a group of friends saying "basically I realized I don't have someone to rip off my toenail here" and wonderful St.Louis said "I'd rip off your toe nail!" So thank you St.Louis, I've realized that now I have at least one person here who would [insert disgustingly necessary thing] for me.

Thanks ocean, you're amazing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I would have ripped it off, probably laughed while you cried.