Friday, November 7, 2008

changing majors.

before I blog about my awesome ocean fix on Monday I just have to say that last night I had a very spiritual experience. Last night I looked into the largest telescope in florida. I got an email to say that SAS was looking in the 'scope around 8, so 8:05 I took the elevator in the physical science building to the 4th floor. The elevator doors opened and it was dark, minus a few red lamps. After poking my head around some corners and being thoroughly creeped out, this stocky german professor summoned me to the right place. I walked up a curved staircase and there it was. Just this big hunk of metal in a circular room with a dome over us all. The first time it all rotated I nearly fell over. Seriously.
We ended up looking at Neptune, Vega, a cluster of stars, a planetary nebulae, and.... THE MOON.
Out of the (four?) of us there, I was the only one to GASP and make incoherent bursts of excitement noises when seeing the moon in the telescope. Oh my goodness there's no way to describe it, but basically I feel like I can now check "walk on moon" off my life list.

In conclusion, I love the sky, and you should check out the Taurid meteor shower within the next few evenings.



Kate said...

Win, your comment completely made my day. Also, your college seems way cooler than mine. All of your adventures sound absolutely incredible.

Anonymous said...

mmm... the moon.