Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Since my compass group is apparently fading...

Dear Ocean,

I guess I'll do highs and lows with my blog.

Low: Right after verballizing "Today is going to be a great day" to people at breakfast I dropped an orange in my bowl of cinnamon toast crunch, and milk splattered all over me
High: Wiley went to Joanns to get me some yarn for knitting
Low: Lionel Amanfu, my favorite GSA, is mysteriously leaving tomorrow and won't be back until next semester
High: I just got back from observing through the monster 'scope some wicked awesome stuff in the sky
Low: I still haven't seen HSM3
High: I'm going to a formal dinner/dance thing with Joshua on Saturday for his fraternity


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Formal dinner dealio!
Lovin the launch pix - breathtaking
Love and miss you,