Saturday, September 12, 2009


College life. So cool. I'm so trendy right now.

I thought I would hate my schedule, and I do still complain about it on a regular basis. But I have grown to LOVE my schedule. Yeah, so I have to wake up for 8am Calc3 every day, so? It gives me an excuse to drink a cup of coffee (or bring a travel mug of water..), and I get to see Alex every morning. Tuesdays and Thursdays I have from 9:15am-3pm open, and I usually go to the gym from 9:15-11:00 to work out and do yoga, and then I go swim laps in the pool and enjoy the sunshine. Joshua picks me up at the pool and we have lunch. Then I do some homework, or just nap until (or through) physics. Life is good.
Fridays I spend the day at the lab because I like to hang out with those people. Holly is always working on something cool, and I love feeling an equal amount of inspiration and intimidation when I'm in the lab. Hopefully this year I'll start a research project on my own so that I can maybe get published some day. For now though I'll be cleaning dishes and feeding fishes and scrubbing aquariums for awhile.

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