This week in lab we've started a chart that we're supposed to fill out whenever we work. There's columns that read "name, hours worked, description of work, etc." to help the grad student and Dr. Johnson decide on who will be Lab Worker of the Month. I hope I win. As I was writing down that I helped Holly and saved some barnacles from death, I saw Aaron's latest entry which read "Killed the rain forest to save the oceans." It also said in parentheses, (cleaned the floor with papertowels). At least someone else has a sense of humor about the whole working-in-the-lab thing.
Last weekend I was at the beach when I got a text from Holly proclaiming that her Nauplii had turned into Cyprids and she needed help transferring them all to sanded petri dishes. I eventually went to the lab to help her, but first I surfed some waves. Awesome. I always thought surfing was something I would never really be into, but after Joshua let me float on his surfboard and then try catching some waves I got hooked!! I have already added surfboards to one of my daily searches on craigslist.
The Nauplius is the one with the blue background, and then the Cyprid is the one with the orange/red background

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